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    Meet the graduates: Michael Long

    27 October 2017

    Mike Long, 22, from, Winchester, Hampshire, was presented with the Dr Norman Gill Crop Science Award when he graduated from Harper Adams University with distinction from the MSc Plant Pathology programme.

    Mike received the award for outstanding overall performance of his project entitled: The efficacy of simple salts against Fusarium graminearum, the causal agent of head blight of winter wheat.

    Senior lecturer, Dr John Reade said: “Mike was commended during his viva for his well-managed glasshouse experiment and well written thesis.”
    Michael said: ‘’I have enjoyed my time at Harper, the course has been excellent, with enthusiastic and knowledgeable lecturers.’’

     ‘’Harper has highly useful and extensive links with the industry, which has helped me to find employment afterwards, as I now work as an agronomic researcher for Amega Sciences.”
    Michael’s future ambition is to contribute towards the fight against plant pathogens. 




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