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    Meet the graduates: Grace Munro-Henworth

    30 October 2017

    Grace Munro-Henworth, 23, from Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, was awarded the British Society for Soil Science Award when she graduated from the BSc (Hons) Agriculture course at Harper Adams University.

    The award is given to the best final year research project on a soil related topic. Grace was a worthy recipient of the award for her honours research project entitled: The effect of storage duration and storage temperature on soil mineral nitrogen content of clay loam soil samples from Broad Meadow Field at Harper Adams University.
    Paul Lewis, senior lecturer in soil and environmental science said: “Grace undertook her project with enthusiasm and a rigorous critical mind-set.Her dissertation was commended for its written approach and Grace gave a confident performance in her oral viva exam.”

    Throughout her time at Harper Adams University she has played an active role on the Student’s Union through being involved in many fundraising activities and organising social events. She has also represented the University in a number of national competitions, including being shortlisted for the Agricultural Student of the Year title.
    The 23-year-old moves on from Harper to take up an agricultural advisory position within the Scottish Government.
    The award was presented by agricultural courses manage Dr Russell Readman.



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