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    Meet the graduates: Helen Brown

    1 November 2017

    Dual award winner Helen Brown, 22, from Kirkbampton, Cumbria, received the Dr Norman Gill Crop Science Award and the Society of Biology Top Student Award when she graduated from Harper Adams University with a first class honours BSc Agriculture with Crop Management in September.

    Helen received the Dr Norman Gill Crop Science Award for her outstanding performance in the areas of plant and crop science in her final year of study. Helen produced an excellent investigation project entitled: The effect of phosphite foliar nutrition and PGRs on reducing the impact of waterlogging on wheat.
    Principal lecturer, Dr John Reade said: “Helen applied knowledge of plant science and practical agronomy to investigate how the problem of waterlogging could be mitigated. As climate change increases the likelihood and intensity of extreme rainfall events, this work has great importance to UK growers, and Helen will also use the knowledge gained in her career as an agronomist."

    The second award she received was the Royal Agricultural Society of England Award for being the best agricultural student both academically and practically.
    Principal lecturer, Dr Russell Readman said: “Helen’s academic performance on the course was excellent.”
    At home Helen is actively involved in running the family farm and has gained a range of practical experience, across a number of enterprises, both livestock and arable.

    Helen, 22, has always been focused on a career in agronomy, she completed her placement with Hutchinsons, a large agrochemical & agronomy company, which reflected her interest and career aspirations in this sector. After graduating from Harper Adams University Helen is returning to work for Hutchinsons as a trainee agronomist.



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