Harper Adams BSc (Hons) Wildlife Conservation with Natural Resource Management student, Andrew Barrett, 23, has won Young Volunteer of the Year while working with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.
Derek Guard, the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust volunteer co-ordinator said: “Andrew has a huge effect on those around him; motivating those he comes into contact with. His enthusiasm for the natural world shines through.
“Andrew came to us on placement year from Harper Adams University and has been a great asset to the Trust.
“He’s given three days a week since September 2016 and sometimes more to assist the estates team and the Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre in our work.
“Andrews’s knowledge of species and habitats grew day-by-day and his commitment and enthusiasm to get stuck into a task was great.
“I nominated Andrew because he deserves recognition for his time with us, with his motivating attitude and inspiring attitude.
“Andrews’s dedication meant that he was always onsite with his camera before work, hoping for that rare opportunity with the otters at Langford Lakes or Lower Moor Farm.
“He’s challenged himself to take a photograph of every mammal in the UK; which includes all 17 bat species. Andrew therefore spent a lot of time with the bat monitoring of Green Lane Wood, undertaking bee keeping, as well as several other projects.
“What I’m impressed with most is how he juggles all his projects and yet finds more time to do other things including bear tracking in Sweden!”
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