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    Smith's Soapbox: My farming universe guru

    13 December 2017

    From Crop Production Magazine 

    ‘Guru’ is probably an over-used and over-hyped word especially if you are like me, not flexible enough for yoga. I wouldn’t even dare to put ‘downward dog’ into an internet search engine let alone attempt the position myself.

    But if I had a guru in mind for my farming universe then it would be Professor Simon Blackmore. If you’ve never heard him speak then I’d highly recommend him. He is one of those speakers that makes you come away thinking you’ve had a glimpse into the future. Simon is the head of Robotic Agriculture at that excellent place Harper Adams University.

    Given the considerable technical progress we’ve seen over the past ten years, some of us might anticipate increasing tractor robotics. I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks that in ten or twenty years’ time, I’ll drive the tractor to the field then programme it to do the job required without the need to touch the steering wheel again.

    Read the full article.



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