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    Harper alumnus appointed branch chairman of Oxfordshire CLA

    19 December 2017

    Harper alumnus, Richard Binning, studied BSc (Hons) Rural Enterprise and Land Management at Harper Adams University has been appointed branch chairman of the CLA Oxfordshire office.

    As branch chairman of the Oxfordshire CLA, Richard will be representing almost 700 landowners, farmers and rural businesses in the county.

    Richard is a director at Savills and head of Savills rural team for central England, advising on the sale and purchase of rural property and estate management.

    Richard said: “While there are overarching issues for the sector – namely Brexit and all that entails – at county level much of the focus remains on issues that are important to CLA members and their ongoing business – such as rural broadband, fly tipping and planning policy.”

    Read full article here:



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