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    Harper Adams University students welcome guest speaker Ed Ford

    9 March 2018

    Earlier this week, a group of first year agriculture students welcomed guest speaker Ed Ford from Beeswax Dyson, a Harper Adams alumnus.

    During his inspiring speech he spoke about his student life at Harper and his experiences while on placement. He also shared how he chose his career and his plans for the future.

    Ed has a range of roles at Beeswax Dyson including; assistant farm manager, agronomist and in-house drone pilot.

    Ed, based in Lincolnshire, said: “I have a number of day to day duties, which include crop walking, gatekeeper, grain store management and data analysis.

    “I may be getting old now, but one of the most satisfying things is when you plug data into a spreadsheet and all the numbers and graphs change from one point to another!

    “My advice for you is to make sure that you have a good, positive attitude. Push yourself out of your comfort zone, and maintain a positive work-life balance; which is still something that I struggle with.

    “Make sure that you set clear goals in life and take each chance at further training, such as CPDs, because this will be how your career grows and develops.

    “Lastly, one of the most important things to remember, is to have a good handshake.”



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