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    Student wins Acorus Rural Property Service Prize for the best planning law and practice assignment

    1 June 2018

     Ella Stevens, 21, from Wantage, Oxford, who studies BSc (Hons) Rural Enterprise and Land Management has been awarded the Acorus Rural Property Service Prize.

    Senior Tutor Emma Pierce-Jenkins said: “Acorus Rural Property Services have kindly sponsored the best Planning Law and Practice assignment prize again for Rural Enterpise and Land Management students at Harper Adams University.”

    “The assignment involves students attending a planning committee meeting to see first-hand the different aspects of the planning system and the decision making process. Each year at least 75 students study this second year module prior to going on their work placement.”

    Ella Stevens said: “I am delighted to have been awarded the ‘Best Assignment’ award from Acorus. I worked very hard on the assignment, attending local planning meetings, speaking with local councillors and undertaking lots of research.

    “An award like this is very special and has boosted my confidence. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking sponsors like Acorus who make such a difference, thank you again”.

    The prize was presented by Course Manager Susan Ragbourne on behalf of Anthony Atkinson from Acorus who was disappointed not to be able to attend but congratulated both Ella and the other two shortlisted candidates.

    Head of Land Management Department Susan Ragbourne with Ella Stevens Head of Land Management Department Susan Ragbourne with Ella Stevens



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