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    Taught postgraduate

    MRes Master of Research

    Key information

    Year of entry


    1 year full-time
    3 to 5 years part-time

    Start date

    September 2025


    Final award: MRes
    Intermediate awards: PgC Research Skills (60 credits)

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    Course description


    MRes degrees can be studied as a stepping stone to doctoral-level study or as a standalone qualification for those interested in research careers in industry.

    Students spend one-third of the course studying four taught modules which follow a common framework, and the remainder of their time is focused on an in-depth research project. The area of research and title of the research project are agreed with a dedicated supervisor. The courses are delivered in one or two-week blocks throughout the academic year.

    We offer a range of MRes titles, which are reviewed each year, and all subjects link into areas of research that the university is actively involved with. The programme provides:

    • a thorough understanding of your chosen area of study
    • practical and technical skills relevant to your subject
    • the ability to formulate and test a hypothesis and draw valid conclusions
    • the ability to solve problems by applying novel research techniques

    Completing an MRes will also help you to develop transferable skills in areas such as experimental design, report writing, statistics, presentation skills, teamwork and critical appraisal.

    These awards are strongly underpinned by the university’s excellent programme of agri-environmental research and long-standing collaborations with research institutes and other organisations in the UK and overseas.

    MRes award titles

    When applying online not all award titles will be available. If your award title is not available please select Negotiated Studies, and we will be in touch to discuss your chosen route.

    • Agribusiness Management
    • Agricultural Economics
    • Agricultural Policy
    • Agricultural Science
    • Agroecology
    • Applied Ecology
    • Applied Rural Criminology
    • Conservation and Forest Protection
    • Crop Production
    • Entomology
    • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    • Evidence-Based Agrifood Sustainability
    • Food and Public Policy
    • Food Industry Management
    • Food Supply and Retail Management
    • Food Safety and Security
    • Forestry Management
    • HADR – Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Management
    • Integrated Pest Management
    • International Business Management
    • International Supply Chain Management
    • International Trade of Agricultural Commodities
    • Land and Property Management
    • Marketing
    • Mechanical Engineering (Bioengineering)
    • Post-Harvest Technology
    • Precision Farming
    • Quantitative Analysis in Agriculture
    • Renewable Energy
    • Ruminant Nutrition
    • Rural Entrepreneurship
    • Security, Stabilisation, and Conflict
    • Soil and Water Management
    • Soil Science
    • Strategic Management
    • Sustainable Agricultural Development
    • Sustainable Agricultural Technology
    • The Sustainable Future of Food
    • Urban Agriculture


    Some MRes opportunities are fully funded by scholarships/sponsorship. View current opportunities


    Block-based study

    Modules are delivered in one-week (and in a select few modules two weeks) blocks on campus. You will know in advance which weeks require physical attendance as they’ll be scheduled on the timetable. In addition to this, you will be required to allocate time for self-study to complete the assignments associated with each of the modules. Some modules may also include research and/or exam elements, these are also highlighted on the timetable.

    The MRes application deadline for international students is May 1, 2023. View more information. 

    Entry requirements for 2025

    Candidates should possess one of the following:

    • Honours degree (2.1 or First)
    • Honours degree plus previous and appropriate research experience
    • Postgraduate diploma or equivalent (at merit or distinction)
    Teaching and learning

    Study methods

    One to two-week block delivery each for the four taught modules, and remainder of the time on 120 credit research project

    All students study two core modules which provide essential study skills for postgraduate level. *The remaining two modules are chosen from our full range of postgraduate modules to complement your area of research.

    Course delivery

    We have a virtual learning environment where students can access module reading, podcasts of lectures and other educational resources.

    Courses are delivered as a series of taught modules starting in October at the beginning of the academic year and are generally complete by the end of March, although a small number of modules take place until June.

    Modules are taught as an intensive short course taught typically over a one-week block, with a maximum of 5 days per 15 credit module providing approximately 35 hours of contact time per week. Some modules are taught in two-week blocks.

    Teaching in the four taught modules may include formal lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical exercises, laboratory sessions, study visits and guest speakers.

    Students also undertake further study in their own time, completing tutorial exercises, written assignments and, if required, exam preparation.

    Course materials include text, tutorial exercises and readings. In addition to the reading specified in module descriptors, module tutors will also provide an up-to-date list of specified journal/conference proceeding references prior to the start of each module to allow students to brief themselves with the latest developments in their field of study.

    Every student will have a supervisor to provide guidance and support for their research projects. All research projects are subject to a formal approval process. Students are expected to engage regularly with their supervisors. Supervisors also advise to students on their personal and professional development.


    Students are mostly assessed through coursework though some modules will include an exam. Assessment methods include literature review-based essays, problem-based assignments, sponsored industry projects requiring oral and business written reports, portfolios, individual and team scenario exercises, and experimental work. Students will be provided with prompt written feedback from written assignments. Exams can be both closed and open book.

    No. 1

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