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    Staff Directory

    Dr Wilatsana Posri

    Senior Lecturer in Food Science and Sensory Evaluation

    Photograph of Wilatsana

    Wilatsana is a sensory and consumer scientist with particular expertise and experience in designing and conducting sensory and consumer tests relating to food and beverages. Her skills include integrating and analysing consumer, sensory, marketing and instrumental data to generate and report on insights regarding key product success factors.

    She has also worked with a variety of research collaborators and clients from food companies regarding food consumer and sensory research methodologies in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, France, USA, and the UK.

    Professional Memberships

    • Institute of Food Science and Technology - Professional Food Sensory Group (PFSG)
    • European Sensory Network (ESN)

    Academic Department: Harper Food Innovation

    Tel: 01952815003

    Office: RFA009 Regional Food Academy

    Research profile: ORCID


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