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    Staff Directory

    Joanne Ashcroft

    BSc (Hons) RVN

    Clinical Educator Veterinary Nursing

    Photograph of Joanne

    Joanne graduated from Harper Adams University with a BSc (hons) degree in Veterinary Nursing and Practice Management in 2018. She has since worked as a Registered Veterinary Nurse in small animal practice. Joanne returned to Harper Adams in 2022, joining the Veterinary Nursing department as a Clincal Educator. She is involved in the teaching of the Veterinary Nursing courses and delivering animal handling sessions for the Harper Keele Vet School. Joanne is also a course tutor for the 1st year Veterinary Nursing students. 

    Professional Memberships

    RCVS - Registered Veterinary Nurse

    Additional Information

    Teaching Responsibilities 

    Joanne is involved in the delivery of the following modules:

    • Principles of Veterinary Nursing (A4016C17)
    • Infection Control in the Veterinary Practice (A4014C17)



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