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    Staff Directory

    Dr Fiona Williams

    BA., M.Phil., PhD., FHEA.

    Senior Lecturer in Rural Land Use and Management

    Photograph of Fiona

    Fiona is a social scientist with a specialist interest in rural geography, reflected in a broad range of research and consultancy experience in rural sectors. Much of her work has taken place at the policy-practice interface in relation to the digital economy, agriculture, rural health, rural tourism, and rural enterprise. Fiona’s more recent work focused on Digital Society: particularly means of digital engagement, inclusion and resilience in rural areas; and inequalities of access and opportunity. Since joining Harper Adams University, Fiona has returned to the subject of her earlier work around the family farm in transition and new entrants to agriculture: intergenerational behaviour and change; the implications of technological change for values and culture; and the broader implications and impacts of shifts in policy direction for farming communities.

    Fiona’s teaching focuses on rural geography, rural land use policy and management, research methods, and Honours research project supervision. Fiona has supervised two PhD students to successful completion: A Critical Review of Rural Proofing in England (2019); Practitioners’ Perceptions of the Process of Innovating in Health and Social Care in Rural Wales (2014). She is currently supervising a PhD student investigating social vulnerability amongst rural riparian communities in the context of flooding.

    Professional Memberships

    Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society - Institute of British Geographers (FRGS)

    Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)


    Other publications

    Additional Information

    Former Individual Member of Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Partnership Board (AONB), and Strategy and Performance Committee

    Local Assessment Panel member of Farming in Protected Landscapes (FiPL) programme  

    Committee Member of the RGS-IBG Rural Geography Research Group (Dissertation Prize Co-ordinator for RGRG, 2016-22)



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