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    Harper’s impressive food debut in uni guide

    Posted 21 May 2010

    Harper Adams University College has made an impressive debut in the Food Science Top 10 of the Complete University Guide, published this week in association with The Independent.

    Harper is rated 6th in the UK for its food science teaching, out of 28 institutions. It has the best student satisfaction rating in Food Science (4.14 out of 5). As a relatively new specialist area for the University College, where all teaching and research links to the food supply chain and rural economy, graduate prospects information was not yet available for this subject area.

    The University College is also in the Top Ten for Agriculture & Forestry. Sitting at fourth out of 19 institutions, Harper has the second best student satisfaction and best graduate prospect scores in this subject area.

    These two ‘top-ten’ placings mean that Harper Adams is ranked 16th in the UK in terms of the percentage of its academic activities that is highly rated in the Complete University Guide, and, in this analysis (see is the only University College to feature in the top 25 UK higher education institutions. 

    Harper Adams features in the subject tables but not the overall league table of all UK higher education institutions only because, according to the Complete University Guide, “such comparison would be inappropriate or not possible”.

    To view the guide see

    Harper Adams, based on a single campus in Shropshire, is a small institution, but has the same degree and research degree awarding powers as other universities. It is consistently rated as the leading specialist institution for agriculture and related subjects.

    Its success in the Complete University Guide comes on the back of three years as the Best University College according to the Sunday Times University Guide, which currently rates Harper second in the UK for student satisfaction and in the Top 10 for graduate employment.

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