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    International PCN conference

    Posted 12 August 2010

    Harper Adams University College, in partnership with the Association of Applied Biologists, is hosting an international conference on potato cyst nematode management.

    The event is being held at the new West Midlands Regional Food Academy (RFA) on September 14-15th and follows on from those held in 2000 and 2005.

    Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) damage a plant`s root system making them less able to extract water and nutrients from the soil, leading to reductions in potato yield and quality.

    Day one of the conference will feature presentations on the developments in nematode biology, diagnostics and the influence of legislation. This is followed by field-based demonstrations, including trap-cropping, biofumigation, resistant cultivars and nematicide application.

    On the second day, delegates will learn about the practical management of potato cyst nematodes - considering both individual control components and an integrated approach.

    Dr Pat Haydock Leader of the Harper Adams Nematology Research Group, said: “This conference will be relevant to all those concerned with PCN including agronomists, potato growers, crop protection specialists, regulators, researchers and students.

    “We are pleased to welcome a range of speakers from the UK and throughout the world including France, Belgium, Norway, Russia, Serbia, Canada and Australia and hope that discussions will enable management strategies for this important pest to be improved.”

    To book a place at the conference, visit the Association of Applied Biologists website: www.  or call 01789 472020.

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