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    Agriculture Minister visits Harper

    Posted 23 September 2010

    The Minister speaks to Dr Mark Rutter and Postgraduate researcher, Gemma Charlton, about dairy cow research.

    Jim Paice, Minister for Agriculture and Food, spent the afternoon discussing education and research at Harper Adams last week.

    Mr Paice explored a number of issues including higher level skills development in the agri-food sector, and the role that the University College is playing in higher education and applied research.

    He was joined by his wife Ava and private secretary.

    On a tour around the campus, Mr Paice visited the dairy unit, the West Midlands Regional Food Academy, the engineering department, and rounded up with an impressive presentation in the Aspire Centre about Openfields.

    He then spoke to a group of students over light refreshments to conclude his three hour visit.

    It is hoped that Harper Adams will be able to contribute to the work of DEFRA and that the Minister will help to highlight the importance of land-based subjects to BIS (Department for Business Innovation and Skills) in preparation for forthcoming funding decisions.

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