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    Japanese academics learn from Harper expertise

    Posted 26 January 2011

    The visitors with Professor Brian Revell

    A group of four Japanese academics visited Harper Adams today to learn about the UK education system and how to use qualifications effectively.

    They discussed how all levels of education can be integrated together; with a particular focus on the role of agriculture; and how the University College uses Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the higher education credit process.

    Professor Brian Revell, Director of International Policy, hosted the group. He said: “Really, it is about others benefitting from the experience of Harper Adams and spreading this best practice internationally.

    “This adds yet another dimension to the many links that we have with the Far East.”

    The group also learnt about the role of students at the University College and their success at gaining graduate level jobs.

    They also discussed the importance of maintaining course content and the role that partner organisations can play in the delivery of education.

    Visiting Harper Adams were Dr Katayama and Dr Ichimura of the Takasaki City University of Economics, Dr Muto of the Gunma Research Institute and Mr Yoshi Oyama of the University of Birmingham.

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