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Posted 25 March 2011
I was told that the main reason that I got the job was because I’ve had experience of telephone work, thanks to the telethon.
It is thanks to the first ever Harper Adams telethon earlier this month, that final year student, Jenny Lane, has landed her dream job as an assistant trainer at a National Hunt yard.
The 22-year-old from Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, will commence her new role at Richard Lee’s yard in Presteigne, at the end of July, once her studies at the University College have ended.
Jenny, who studies BSc (Hons) Bio Veterinary Science, was told at her interview that she needed to demonstrate an excellent telephone manner and good people skills.
She was able to recall her recent experiences of the telethon – where 30 students helped to raise money for Harper Adams by calling former students on the alumni database.
Jenny, said: “I was told that the main reason that I got the job was because I’ve had experience of telephone work, thanks to the telethon.
“I won’t just be using the phone though, I’ll also be liaising with horse owners, riding horses out and schooling, as well as doing veterinary work such as bandaging.”
Jenny is currently completing her dissertation, which is looking at the effect of the rider’s position on the performance of the horses, what happens when different jockeys are used, and how riders are selected by trainers.
To find out more about this, visit http://www.harper-adams.ac.uk/press/article.cfm?ID=201260
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