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    19th Temperton Fellowship report

    Posted 8 June 2011

    Principal Dr David Llewellyn, Richard Hutchinson and Peel Holroyd.

    Harper Adams University College was delighted to host the 2011 Temperton Fellowship Research Report presentation, with 19th Temperton Fellow, Richard Hutchinson.

    Richard is the Sales and Marketing Director of Aviagen Turkeys Ltd and presented the report, “The Challenge of Supplying High-Protein Turkey Meat as Part of the Global Demand for Food” at the Farmers Club, London.

    His report analyses the worldwide turkey market and uncovers some of the reasons and opportunities for growth.

    Richard explained that there is an increase in demand for food due to increased population, urbanisation and wealth. Population growth is predicted to reach £9billion by 2050.

    Consumers are demanding a greater control on food quality and turkey production is able to meet those demands through practices already in place.

    Turkey meat offers many of the qualities required for modern living and crosses cultures and cuisines, making it an ideal option for higher consumption levels.

    Breeding companies are achieving improvements in efficiency through innovation, close contact with the industry and research and development. These initiatives will increase the competitive position of turkey meat worldwide.

    Richard concluded that the turkey industry has many advantages to develop for the future and that performance levels at breeder and commercial level continue to improve.

    Turkey offers a healthy alternative to other meats and appeals to cuisines from all around the world.

    The presentation also announced the 20th Temperton Research Fellow- poultry veterinarian, Nigel Horrox. He will present in June 2012.

    The Temperton Fellowship was established to commemorate the contribution of Dr Harold Temperton, Director of the National Institute of Poultry Husbandry at Harper Adams University College from 1951 to 1974.

    It is financed by the accrued annual interest from the Temperton Trust investments, which are derived from contributions and donations, as well as proceeds from sales of the book – The History of the National Institute of Poultry Husbandry by ME Telford, PH Holroyd and RG Wells, published by Harper Adams University College, September 1986.

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