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    £70,000 for research projects

    Posted 7 December 2011

    Harper Adams University College has been awarded nearly £70,000 in funding for two new research projects.

    The first is a PhD Studentship entitled ‘The epidemiology and integrated control of fairy rings on golf courses’.

    This project is receiving £58,500 in funding from The R&A (formerly The Royal and Ancient Golf Club), with work taking place from January 2012 for three years.

    The second is a pilot study entitled ‘An investigation into the novel environment of commercial colony systems: Part 1 – Egg Production Issues’.

    This project, sponsored by the British Egg Marketing Board (BEMB), will assess the occurrence rate and potential causes of cracked eggs in commercial hen colonies of varying sizes. Research for this has recently begun and will continue for nine months.

    To find out more about research at Harper Adams University College in Shropshire, visit

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