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    New home for abandoned reptiles

    Posted 25 January 2012

    We decided to expand the exotics room because students were asking for more experience handling unusual pets.

    Sue Jeavons with bearded dragons Dolce and Gabbana

    A host of abandoned Shropshire reptiles now have a new home thanks to the expansion of the exotics room at Harper Adams University College.

    The group moved in last month and have been busy settling into life at the Companion Animal House on campus.

    The 14-strong collection includes two bearded dragons, two leopard geckos, a bibrons gecko, a boa constrictor, five corn snakes, an African fat-tailed gecko, a Cuban anole and a chuckwalla.

    Companion Animal House Manager, Sue Jeavons, said: “We decided to expand the exotics room because students were asking for more experience handling unusual pets, so we had the space for new species.

    “I prefer to rescue rather than buy so approached Proteus Reptile Trust to see if we could help to ease their load and take on some of their exotics.

    “They moved in just before Christmas so have had time to settle in before being integrated into lectures and workshops.”

    As well as reptiles, the house boasts a range of small mammals from rabbits and guinea pigs to jirds and degus.

    It is designed to demonstrate handling and husbandry techniques and to act as a research centre for welfare and behaviour studies.

    Sue added: “As with all pets, reptiles can prove expensive and require a lot of care and commitment.

    “The ones that we have taken on here were abandoned. Some of them have missing limbs or other deformities, and this is more than likely due to ill treatment.

    “If you are thinking of taking on a reptile, think carefully and consider whether you have the time and money to give them the life they deserve.”

    To enquire about adoption processes, contact Proteus Reptile Trust on 01902 674876 or

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