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    St David's Day Wales YFC sponsorship announcement

    Posted 1 March 2012

    Harper Adams student ambassadors at the Royal Welsh Show

    Harper Adams University College is delighted to be able to announce, on St David's Day, that it will be sponsoring the Wales YFC Young People’s Village at this summer’s Royal Welsh Show.

    As the Welsh are celebrating this special day, the University College has revealed a partnership with Wales YFC to support activities in the Young People’s Village, an entertainment and camping complex open to YFC members and the general public during the Royal Welsh Show, from July 23 to 27.

    Dylan Jones, Wales YFC Chairman said: “We are delighted to have secured sponsorship from Harper Adams University College towards our main event of the year. The sponsorship will be used to develop a specific website for the event which will improve our overall marketing of the Village. This new website will be live in a few weeks and I encourage all university students to take a look and book their camping plot and entertainment package for an excellent week at the Royal Welsh Show.” 

    Harper Adams Director of Marketing and Communications Lorraine Westwood worked with Wales YFC to arrange the sponsorship. She said: "It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to support the Wales YFC village at the show this year. Many of the past and present students of Harper Adams are, or have been, members of the YFC and we know how important it is to them. We share many similar aims with the YFC as we are both concerned with the future development and success of young people, and therefore this partnership is ideal.”

    Representatives of the Shropshire University College will be based opposite the Wales YFC building on the showground for the duration of the show. Visitors will be welcome to drop in to find out more about courses and other aspects of student life. 

    On the Tuesday of the show, July 24, Harper Adams will also host a special brunch in the Wales YFC building, welcoming prospective students while they chat to staff and students about life on campus. 

    Harper Adams Principal Dr David Llewellyn, who hails from South Wales, said: "We have a long history of educating young farmers from Wales. Of course, now our courses cover the entire food chain, as well as animal health, engineering, business and more. 

    "Welsh students are in the great position where the Assembly Government will meet the different between tuition fees in Wales and that at universities in England, therefore individuals will not be unduly affected by the new tuition fee system coming into effect in England in 2012.

    "I very much look forward to meeting young people considering studying at Harper Adams at the Royal Welsh Show in July." 


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