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    Award for Pig Academy at Harper Adams

    Posted 11 May 2012

    Congratulations to Dalehead Foods, who won the Training Initiative of the Year category for the ‘Fresh Start Pig Academy’ at the Pig and Poultry Marketing Awards 2012.

    This was a project set up by BQP, part of Dalehead Foods, in conjunction with Harper Adams University College.

    Sophie Hope, Supply Chain Fieldsperson at Dalehead, said:" The judges commented that this training course provided an excellent incentive to encourage entrepreneurial entrants from both agricultural and non agricultural backgrounds into the pig industry. The programme facilitates the training of final year students and local people external to the University College.

    "This wonderful achievement is in addition to the ‘Highly Commended Championing British’ which was recently awarded to the Fresh Start Pig Academy by Waitrose for the Waitrose Way Awards."

    Find out more on the Dalehead Foods website.

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