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Posted 1 August 2012
Thanks to Harper Adams, I can say that my career prospects have been greatly improved.
A monthly special featuring a current student from Harper Adams.
Post-graduate student, Alexandre Ouvry, chose to study for a master’s degree at Harper Adams University College due to its reputation for teaching quality and graduate employment.
The 24-year-old is enrolled on the MSc International Agri-Business Management course and has found being able to meet people from a variety of different backgrounds beneficial to his studies.
Alex, from Izon near Bordeaux in France, said: “After completing my undergraduate degree, I wanted to find a master’s course in the agri-food area. So I compared the content and structures of a selection of courses and Harper Adams was the one that gave me the best first impression.
“I chose Harper Adams because I wanted to go somewhere with a good reputation, that would prove valuable to my future career.
“As my course is internationally-orientated, it has been interesting to hear the opinions of the other students, and to understand what is undertaken in their respective countries.”
During study time, Alex stays with a local family in their home and is able to enjoy English customs such as Sunday roasts.
He added: “Staying with a British family has been interesting as they don’t treat me simply as a tenant, and I’ve been able to learn a lot from them.
“At Harper, the international students aren’t separate from the British ones, everyone mingles together and learns from each other.”
The MSc in International Agri-Business Management provides a detailed insight into the industries supporting agricultural production, processing, transportation and supply chain strategy, as well as finance, human resource management and marketing.
Alex said: “Thanks to the course, I have a good overview of the activities undertaken in the agri-food supply chain and have become more knowledgeable about my study area.
“When I attend classes, I know that I will learn something new every day. I have enjoyed the whole package so far and I’m sure that all eight modules will be beneficial to my future.
“I feel much more confident than before starting the course, I am without any doubt more attractive to employers. Thanks to Harper Adams, I can say that my career prospects have been greatly improved.
“In October, I’ll be starting a graduate scheme with MDS Ltd, working through four secondments with a variety of companies in the fresh produce industry during the next two years.
“I’ll benefit from training courses and achieve a Postgraduate Certificate in Food and Fresh Produce Management, validated by Harper Adams.”
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