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    Students celebrate the end of year

    Posted 28 May 2013

    The 'farming through the ages' committee

    With examinations fast approaching, students at Harper Adams University have been celebrating the end of the academic year with a series of themed evenings.

    Festivities began with ‘farming through the ages’ at the agriculture, business and food courses dinner held on campus.

    The event was sponsored by Frontier Agriculture, British Sugar, Oaklands Farm Eggs, Tesco, Lloyd’s Animal Feeds, Wynnstay, Alltech, Countrywide Farmers and Tanners Wines.

    Entertainment was in the form of guest speaker and Shropshire dairy farmer, Martin Jones from Three Men in a Bow Tie, and music from local band, Airbag.

    Committee member and agriculture student Steve Mears, 22, said: “It was a fantastic evening enhanced by fine dining, great entertainment and as always, superb company.

    “On behalf of students at Harper Adams, the committee would like to thank the sponsors as without them, the event wouldn’t have been as special.”

    The catering was provided by Oak Apple Catering, based near Shrewsbury, who served a choice of two options for each course, including chicken breast with Mediterranean stuffing and baked vanilla cheesecake with fruit compote.

    The committee also organised for two Massey Ferguson tractors to be at the event – one vintage and one modern, as well as two shire horses. After dinner games raised £140 for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI).

    ‘Farming through the ages’ was followed by an evening for REALM, animals, CELT and engineering students with the theme of ‘fur and feathers’.

    This event was sponsored by JCB, Westpoint Veterinary Group and John Charnely & Sons, and was also held on campus. A live auction took place with a host of top prizes available to the highest bidder.

    Committee member and bioveterinary science student, Becca McLean, 22, said: “The R.A.C.E course dinner 2013 was a great success, bringing together four different course areas from all academic years.

    “The evening consisted of good food, great entertainment and most importantly, one of our first year engineering students secured a placement job with one of our sponsors!

    “A huge thank-you to all of our sponsors.”

    Food was provided by the Harper Adams Catering Department, who served up asparagus, feta and walnut salad, followed by belly pork and then a rich chocolate tart.

    The concluding event of the pre-exam calendar was the final year dinner, held at the Telford Hotel and Gold Resort.

    Students made their way to the venue to enjoy a three-course meal, speech from Vice-Chancellor, Dr David Llewellyn and a presentation of special awards.

    Most inspirational lecturer and favourite male lecturer were awarded to Mark Simcock, whilst favourite female lecturer was awarded to Lucy Preston.

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