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    Harper Adams achieves top accolade in green league

    Posted 12 June 2013

    Harper Adams University has been awarded the highest accolade for its performance in an environmental and ethical league table.

    The People & Planet Green League 2013 gave the university in Shropshire a First Class ‘degree’ in recognition of its sustainable practices and initiatives.

    Harper Adams ranked in the top quarter of all participating universities, scoring highly in the ‘performance’ section for its carbon reduction and renewable energy strategies.

    University Secretary, Dr Catherine Baxter, said: “We are pleased that the university's commitment to
    sustainability has been recognised as "first class" for the second year in succession."

    People & Planet’s Green League is the only comprehensive and independent league table of UK universities ranked by environmental and ethical performance. It is compiled annually by the UK’s largest student campaigning network, People & Planet.

    Sustainable features at Harper Adams include a £3million-plus Anaerobic Digestion (AD) unit, constructed with funding from HEFCE’s Revolving Green Fund in partnership with Biogen Greenfinch and E.ON Energy.

    The AD plant generates up to 495kW of energy, utilising 15,000 tonnes of farm waste and 8,000 of food waste.

    As part of the university’s environmental strategy, it also uses renewable energy technologies in campus developments and promotes these initiatives to students.

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