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Posted 11 June 2014
Moth trapping and an insect trail are just some of the activities that Harper Adams University entomologists will be taking part in to help a charitable garden to celebrate National Insect Week.
The staff, students and researchers all work within the field of entomology – the scientific study of insects, and will be contributing their expertise to a two-day family-friendly celebration taking place at the Dorothy Clive Garden near Market Drayton on June 28-29.
As the only UK institution to teach entomology at postgraduate level, Harper Adams thrives on outreach activities to inform school children about the wonders of insects, and how enthusiasm for them can lead to exciting and varied careers.
Postgraduate research student, Fran Sconce, is currently investigating how farming affects soil-dwelling insects and other invertebrates, and will be volunteering at the event. She said: “Insects are a vital part of our ecosystem and sharing this information with younger generations is really important. So naturally we were delighted to be asked to be involved with the All About Insects event.
“We will be manning stations on the insect trail, demonstrating moth trapping and other techniques and two of our lecturers will be giving talks about their research.
“We also hope to conduct the garden’s first insect surveys to identify the species in the different habitats there. Hopefully this will prove really useful data that the garden can use in the future.”
The celebration forms part of National Insect Week June 23-29 – a biennial event organised by the Royal Entomological Society that aims to encourage people of all ages to learn about insects.
The Dorothy Clive Garden is an independent 12-acre charitable garden trust located on the three county borders of Staffordshire, Shropshire and Cheshire.
Marketing Manager, Julia Roberts said: “Families will have the chance to explore the Dorothy Clive Garden and learn about the many insects that live within it.
“There will be many activities available such as making mini beast houses, pond dipping, painting pebble insects, creating butterfly feeders plus lots more.”
All About Insects runs from 10am-5.30pm on Saturday June 28 and Sunday June 29.Admission is £3.50 per adult, £2 per child and under 4s admit for free.
For more information, visit www.dorothyclivegarden.co.uk
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