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Posted 17 June 2014
Maddi Naish, 20, is a second year BSc (Hons) REALM student from Wantage in Oxfordshire.
It’s been a long few weeks but exams are finally over for the second year REALMies, with the other courses not far behind.
REALM year two students have had seven exams in the last month and they seem to have provoked a range of opinions, with some thinking they were very hard, and others less so – we’ll have to wait and see what the results bring!
The end of exams not only brings the end of the year and the start of the summer, but also the legendary Harper Adams Summer Ball. The Summer Ball Committee has been working hard all year to organise some fantastic acts and entertainment, so it looks to be a fantastic night as always. This year’s theme is ‘Born in the USA’.
The Summer Ball is always a great event which sees a lot of students past and present making their way to Harper for twelve hours of music and madness. For second years in particular, there are a lot of parties and barbeques happening before hand, as in most cases this is the last chance of a get together before we all go on placement in different parts of the country.
In three weeks’ time I’m off to work at the Chatsworth Estate for a year, and others on my course are going to estates such as Sandringham; and firms of surveyors such as Fisher German, Savills and many smaller firms, auction marts and estates across the country.
I hope that a year working in industry will give me invaluable experience enabling me to better myself in the profession and secure a good job when I graduate.
Students from the BSc degree courses complete a placement year, but for a lot of the REALM students the placement year is also the first year of their Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) training, which they must complete to become a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
To become a Chartered Surveyor, candidates must complete at least two years of APC training to prepare them for a final presentation and interview, where they are assessed as to whether they have reached the standard required to become a member of the RICS.
A high proportion of REALM students see gaining MRICS status as their primary goal after graduating, as this is the lead qualification to have in the property professions.
The show season has already begun and that means Harper on Tour! Harper Adams has a stand at a lot of country shows and events across the UK, where you can talk to staff and students from Harper Adams about the courses on offer and Harper life.
In my experience there is often something tasty on the Harper stand, so it’s always worth looking out for and stopping by for a chat!
This is my last Ambassador Blog as I will be away on placement for a year, but as always you can see what I’m up to and how I’m getting on at Chatsworth by following me on twitter or my blog at http://lifeasmaddi.wordpress.com
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