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    Deputy Vice Chancellor speaks at Michelin celebrations

    Posted 30 September 2014

    Professor Mills speaking at the event in Clermont-Ferrand

    Harper Adams Deputy Vice Chancellor, Professor Peter Mills, spoke at an exclusive event for global decision makers to help celebrate 10 years of Michelin Ultraflex Technology. 

    Professor Mills delivered a presentation to demonstrate the benefits of using low ground pressure tyres for increased crop yields, to five different stakeholder groups at the Michelin Head Quarters in Clermont-Ferrand, France.

    Work conducted by a team of researchers at Harper Adams in Shropshire has evaluated the productivity gains when using farm machinery equipped with Michelin Ultraflex Technology, compared with conventional radial tyre technology.

    The study has found that Michelin tyres drove an annual productivity gains for winter wheat of four per cent, which translates to around an additional 64 Euro per hectare per year.

    Professor Mills said: “I spoke on behalf of the team at Harper Adams to a range of delegates from around the world, including dealers, journalists and farmers.

    “It was a fantastic opportunity to be invited to contribute to the celebrations for Michelin Ultraflex Technology, and share our findings with the delegates.”

    The research team at Harper Adams includes post-graduate researcher, Emily Smith; lecturer, Dr Paula Misiewicz; principal lecturer, Dr Keith Chaney; senior lecturer in engineering, David White; visiting professor in agricultural engineering, Professor Dick Godwin.

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