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    Report explores food industry challenges

    Posted 9 June 2015

    Vice-Chancellor, Dr David Llewellyn; David Evans and Peel Holroyd

    The challenge of scale and feeding future generations is the topic of the 2015 Temperton Fellowship for Poultry Research, presented by 23rd Fellow, David Evans.

    Mr Evans, Head of Agriculture for Morrisons, delivered his findings to an audience of industry professionals during an event held at the Farmers’ Club in London yesterday.

    The aim of the paper is to discuss the opportunities and challenges surrounding future food supply, particularly the volume of food required and the logistics to move it, all while keeping food affordable.

    Mr Evans, who graduated with a veterinary science degree in 1983, said: “I am delighted to have been chosen as a Temperton Fellow and invited to present my report to fellow industry professionals at the Farmers’ Club.

    “The topic of scale will probably become the most critical component when feeding future populations.

    “By 2030, three in every five people will be living in urban areas and the ten biggest cities will have a combined population of more than 280 million. What will the food supply chain of the future look like and how will it develop?

    “We are entering a new era in agricultural development that will be very different from the past.”

    Following Mr Evans’s presentation, Temperton Fellowship Chairman, Peel Holroyd, revealed that the 24th Temperton Fellowship would be awarded to chartered surveyor, Bruce Keith.

    The Temperton Fellowship was established to commemorate the contribution of Dr Harold Temperton, Director of the National Institute of Poultry Husbandry at Harper Adams University from 1951 -1974.

    It is financed by the accrued annual interest from the Temperton Trust investments, which are derived from contributions and donations, as well as proceeds from sales of the book - The History of the National Institute of Poultry Husbandry by ME Telford, PH Holroyd and RG Wells, published by Harper Adams University, September 1986.

    The full report can be obtained by e-mailing Mary Early –

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