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Posted 22 June 2015
Sixth Form students spent the day learning about product development by making their own meat products during a practical experience day at Harper Adams University recently.
The AS Level Food Technology students from Shrewsbury Sixth Form College designed and manufactured their own beef burgers and sausages, overseen by staff from the university’s Regional Food Academy.
By designing the products, the students were introduced to the principles behind product development and food product manufacture; illustrating the quality and food safety issues that need to be considered during processing.
Senior Lecturer in Food Innovation and Management, Anne Taylor, led the session. She said: “It’s always enjoyable hosting visits from Shrewsbury Sixth Form College as their students are a delight to teach.
“They are always fascinated by the concept and practices of new product development, and by using beef burgers and sausages as models, we are able to cover so many important principles in the relatively short time available to us.”
The university’s Department of Food Science and Agri-Food Supply Chain Management receives support from the Worshipful Company of Butchers for its schools engagement activities.
Head of Department, Professor Ralph Early, said: “It is very important that we work with schools to raise the profile of the food industry and the meat sector in particular.
“In this, our university is proud of its relationship with the Worshipful Company of Butchers and grateful for the support it receives.
“As a university of the food chain, and Shropshire’s first university located in a very important farming county, it is pleasing that the Company’s commitment helps us to engage with local schools in ways that are practical and meaningful, enabling students to learn about food products as well as thinking about careers in the industry.”
The day was organised by Anne Taylor alongside Clare Hutchinson from the Regional Food Academy and Jemma Cashion from Shrewsbury Sixth Form College.
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