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    Harper Forum report - John Beardmore and Mark Jagger.

    Posted 2 December 2015

    This week, on Thursday, December 3, we have the chairman of the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) and former president of the NFU, Sir Peter Kendall."

    Students Ellen Bryan and Annabel Hollis with John Beardmore

    Tom Whittaker reports on recent Harper Adams Forum events.

    “In early November, the Forum welcomed John Beardmore, who travelled all the way from the Ohio State University in the USA to speak to us about placements in America. John is responsible for all agricultural placements and is the programme coordinator for the Ohio International Intern Programme, which takes between 300 and 400 trainees to the US from more than 50 countries each year. During the talk he spoke about the opportunities available to students wishing to work overseas, which typically last for 12 months.

    “Details of what placements entail and what the programme expects from the students were given as well as details of the application process including how to apply for visas.  Once again the event was well-attended, with many students interested in the programme. 

    “Later in November, we welcomed Mark Jagger of British Quality Pigs (BQP).  BQP is part of Dalehead Foods, an integrated farming, slaughtering and processing company which has been supplying Waitrose for more than 30 years and has a 10 per cent market share of UK pig production. 

    “Mr Jagger spoke about the supply chain into Waitrose and how BQP is growing its supply chain in a decreasing UK pig market, as well as the opportunities to become a BQP grower and the standards required to do so. 

    This week, on Thursday, December 3, we have the chairman of the Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) and former president of the NFU, Sir Peter Kendall. He will be talking about “How the AHDB is influencing changes in farming”.

    “It will be held in the Regional Food Academy at 7pm and all staff and students are welcome!”

    Follow the Forum on Facebook and Twitter for more details. 

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