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    Students from Dominican Republic raise national flag on Independence Day

    Posted 4 March 2016

    This feeling of pride and nationality is rooted in the heart of every Dominican, no matter where you are.”

    Dominican Republic students with their national flag

    Seven students studying at Harper Adams University raised the flag of the Dominican Republic on the university campus on their country’s Independence Day, February 27.

    This year was the 172nd anniversary of the nation’s independence.

    Dileyni Díaz, Hanani Melo, Nelly Martínez, Kumi Hodai, Yanela de León, Joaquín Albert and Arquímedes Forchue gained permission to mark this special national day by taking over the flagpole which stands prominently in front of the Main Building on campus. 

    Dileyni said: “It was an action filled with pride to show all Dominicans and foreigners the great feeling of love and honour that we feel to belong to this beautiful land. 

    “In celebrating the 172nd anniversary of our independence, we are grateful to the heroic men who gave their lives for a dream, a vision, to see their nation free and independent. This feeling of pride and nationality is rooted in the heart of every Dominican, no matter where you are.”

    The seven students joined the University last September to study postgraduate courses in Food Management, Farm and Agribusiness Management or Integrated Pest Management.

    The story was published by the Dominican Republic’s newspaper Diario Libre, which is the most read daily newspaper in the country. 

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