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Posted 7 October 2016
Completing a postgraduate qualification is tough work on its own, however for one 28-year-old student, an unplanned arrival made her course more challenging – and her success all the more rewarding!
But veterinary physiotherapist Roisin Talbott, from Dorchester, wouldn’t have it any other way – because the obstacle was her delightful daughter, Ella, now 18 months old.
Roisin, PgD Veterinary Physiotherapy, explained: “I was originally in the 2015 cohort but fell pregnant during second year and was unable to complete practical examinations for health and safety reasons until after my baby was born.
“I am so grateful to the course team at Harper Adams, especially Carole Brizuela, who supported me to complete the postgraduate diploma despite becoming a single mum and battling postnatal depression. It has not been easy but I am so proud of my achievements both academically and as a mother.”
Roisin previously worked as canine hydrotherapist and decided to expand her professional skills, areas of expertise and career prospects by undertaking postgraduate study.
She said: “I chose Harper Adams because it was vital to me to learn with a recognised course provider, to enable me to gain membership to a respected association within the veterinary rehabilitation field, the National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists.
“The course was hard work, but fulfilling. I have grown a lot during my time with Harper Adams! The course staff have gone out of their way to accommodate and support me with both my unexpected pregnancy and the mental health issues that at some points threatened my completion of the course.
“But they can’t help if you don’t ask, so my advice to future students is to speak up – to make the most of the facilities, opportunities and the amazing people working on the course.
“Highlights for me were all the weekends spent with my fellow postgraduate students – they will be firm friends for life. And also the warm welcome received when I returned to Harper Adams after having Ella, who is now 18 months old and showing the same love and passion for animals as me!
Roisin is now preparing for the launch of her business in Dorset. She said: “After discussions with local vets, my future goals are to be able to volunteer my services to the local rescue centres and to open my own hydrotherapy and vet physio centre in my area, as well as identifying a relevant topic for me to complete my MSc with Harper Adams.”
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