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    Student to trek to Everest basecamp to raise money for Nepal rebuilding projects

    Posted 7 March 2017

    The experience made me want to do something to help. I’ve decided to go back out in September this year to take part in a 15 day trek which will lead me to Everest basecamp."

    Last year, Harper Adams University BSc (Hons) Rural Enterprise and Land Management (REALM) student Tamsin Warr visited Nepal. She was shocked to see how the devastation of the 2015 earthquake was still so apparent.

    This experience has inspired her to trek to Everest Base Camp to raise money for Community Action Nepal, helping the village communities affected by the earthquake.

    The 23 year-old from Worcester said: “I went travelling with a friend to Nepal last year and we decided to go on a tour which gave us the opportunity to volunteer for a few days.

    “We visited Bhaktapur, a World Heritage Site, which had been severely hit by the 2015 earthquake and caused devastation to the monuments, houses and community.

    “While there, I visited Pottery Square where I met a man selling pots. He'd lost his home to the earthquake and his family still live in a fabricated temporary dwelling, over one year on. He said that families affected by the earthquake were only given around £300 from the government to rebuild their homes and business. This clearly wasn’t enough.

    “The area used to heavily rely on tourism, especially backpackers, but now very few go there as little effort has been made to rebuild the city.

    “The experience made me want to do something to help. So I’ve decided to go back out in September this year to take part in a 15 day trek which will lead me to Everest basecamp.

    “I will start in Kathmandu and then fly to Lukla where the group will then start trekking to the mountain.”

    Tamsin’s ambition to help, along with her academic achievements, have led to her receiving a Kildare Charitable Trust Scholarship.

    On this she said: “I’m extremely thankful and happy to receive the scholarship.

    “I’ll be putting the money towards books for my agricultural law and business modules.

    “I’m also doing a couple of weeks’ worth of work experience at the Longleat estate. I have to pay for my own accommodation and travel expenses during this time, so the scholarship will be very helpful in funding this.”

    To sponsor Tamsin, please click here.

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