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Posted 20 March 2017
we are offering two 50% tuition scholarships to FCA-UDE graduates for entry to our full-time Masters courses in September 2017."
Harper Adams is offering more scholarships for postgraduate students from Latin America, this time to graduates of Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de la Empresa.
Students holding a degree from the university in Uruguay, who apply to undertake a Masters degree at Harper Adams University, in the UK, can also apply to have 50% of their tuition fees covered by the scholarship.
Andy Jones, Director of Learning, Teaching and International at Harper Adams University, said: “We have a Memorandum of Understanding with the Faculty of Agricultural Science at Universidad de la Empresa.
“In order to encourage our links and to demonstrate our seriousness in the relationship, and to celebrate Harper Adams being named Modern University of the Year in the Times Good University Guide, I am very pleased to confirm that we are offering two 50% tuition scholarships to FCA-UDE graduates for entry to our full-time Masters courses in September 2017.
“I look forward to hearing about the applicants and meeting those who are successful in their bid to join us at our Shropshire campus thanks to the scholarship.”
Harper Adams University sponsored the first Hackathon Agro at the Expo Prado agricultural event in Uruguay in September 2016. Members of the winning team were invited to attend the Agri-Tech East REAP Conference in England, followed by the Drones for Farming Conference at Harper Adams
Students who wish to apply for a scholarship should contact Leticia Chico-Santamarta, Coordinator for Latin America and Caribbean Partnerships, by emailing
Applications must be received by end of March 2017 and the University reserves the right to select the best candidates for the scholarships. The scholarships apply to tuition fees only and accommodation and living costs must be met in full by the students.
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