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    Studley Trust Scholarship: Max Wiseman

    Posted 16 February 2017

    “With this scholarship I’m going to purchase a computer software package for 3D modelling which is highly useful in designing."

    Studley College Trust Scholarship recipients, with Margaret Herbert, trustee. L_R Sarah-Jane Barton, Luke Ormond, Margaret Hibbert, Emily Wright, Daniel Liddell, Natasha Push and Max Wiseman

    Max Wiseman, BSc (Hons) Off Road Vehicle Design student, has received a Studley College Trust Scholarship at Harper Adams University.

    Max, 20, from Cardigan, Wales said: “With this scholarship I’m going to purchase a computer software package for 3D modelling which is highly useful in designing.

    “I’d also attend shows, such as Lamma, Grassland and Muck, along with other events which would benefit my learning with the introduction of new equipment and machines associated with my degree.”

    Max has ambitions of starting a company after gaining industry experience.

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