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    Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society Scholarships supports nine Harper students

    Posted 1 June 2017

    “I’m really grateful for the scholarship. It’s a great opportunity to finish my final year and hopefully pursue a career in nutrition in the agriculture sector.”

    L:R Grace Gibbs, Harry Bowers, Catherine Johnson, Thomas Whittaker, Emily Morris, Georgina Wager, William Roobottom, Emily Smith and Phillip Robinson.

    Nine Harper Adams University students have been awarded scholarships from the Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society.

    Representing the agriculture society and presenting the scholarships, society president Michael Heenan, said: “This is the largest number of these bursaries that we’ve given away since the scheme started.

    “That just indicates the high level of entry of the applications for this scheme.”

    The awards were presented during a formal ceremony, with each student being awarded £1,500 to contribute towards their research and tuition fees.

    The students presented with the awards were: Thomas Whittaker, William Roobottom, Emily Smith, Catherine Johnson, Grace Gibbs, Harry Bowers, Georgina Wager, Phillip Robinson and Emily Morris.

    On receiving the award, BSc (Hons) Bio-veterinary Science student, Catherine Johnson, 20, said: “I’m really grateful for the scholarship. It’s a great opportunity to finish my final year and hopefully pursue a career in nutrition in the agriculture sector.”

    To hear more from the students, watch the Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society scholars video.

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