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Posted 5 October 2017
“The university warmly congratulates all the staff who have gained HEA Fellowships at a range of levels."
Eighteen staff at Harper Adams University have achieved various levels of fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
Across four categories, from Associate to Principal, HEA Fellowship provides individuals with recognition of their practice, impact and leadership of teaching and learning
Andy Jones, Director of Learning and Teaching at Harper Adams University, said: “The university warmly congratulates all the staff who have gained HEA Fellowships at a range of levels. The time and commitment required to gain these awards demonstrates that the university is fortunate to have staff committed to the development of teaching and learning quality across all our areas.”
The Aspire Scheme is Harper Adams’ own Higher Education Academy accredited professional recognition provision.
Dr. Lydia Arnold, Educational Developer at Harper Adams University, said: “It allows staff who are involved in teaching and supporting students to develop their practice through a range of professional development opportunities and to then gain certificated recognition by making a detailed application.
“To gain a Fellowship, staff need to demonstrate their commitment to supporting students in a way which is informed by a strong underpinning knowledge of effective practices. They also need to show that their work is underpinned by a strong set of values, making sure that student wellbeing is at the heart of all we do. The scheme is supported by colleagues from across the university who give their time to mentor, review and provide development opportunities.”
Dr. Arnold added: “It is fair to say that students at Harper Adams will be taught and supported by a community of staff who have a serious long-term commitment to making learning accessible, relevant, engaging and enjoyable.”
Francisca Sconce has been awarded Associate Fellowship, the first level of the HEA programme. She said: “As a PhD student this was a great opportunity for me to gain recognition for assisting with teaching on practical sessions and for lecturing on soil biodiversity and insect specimen preservation on the Entomology Master’s degree. The Associate Fellowship will hopefully aid progression to a career in academia and science communication.”
Martin Anderson has achieved his Fellowship via the PgC route. He said: “Undertaking the fellowship and supporting courses allowed me to engage in a community of practice of colleagues, expanding collaborative ideas and best practice. I will be seeking senior fellowship in the due course of time.”
The successful staff are:
Associate Fellow:
• Francisca Sconce
Fellows via PgC route
• Simon Allan
• Rebekah Gerard
• Louisa Huntington
• Kathryn Greaves
• Simon Jeffery
• Martin Anderson
• Lindsey Dodd
• Fay Bithell
• Helen Morrell
Fellows via independent route:
• Kath Leigh
• Jonathan Cooper
• Jane Eastham
• Steven Mansbridge
Senior Fellow:
• Emma Pierce Jenkins
• Annette Creedon
• Abigail Hind
• Graham Higginson
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