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    University co-hosting "Innovations in Urban Agriculture"

    Posted 21 May 2018

    Harper Adams University will this week co-host an Innovations in Urban Agriculture event in Brussels.

    The event, being held on Thursday May 24, has been organised in collaboration with the University of Birmingham.

    Harper Adams Senior Lecturer Laura Vickers said: “The event is exploring urban agriculture.

    “Harper Adams has quite a strong presence at the event. I’ll be speaking with David Booth, who’s a PhD student I share with the University of Birmingham.

    “It’ll also feature Rhydian Beynon-Davies, who is part of the Fresh Produce Research Centre. He’s research is funded through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership that our Dr Jim Monaghan has with G's Fresh Ltd.

    “The event is being funded through my NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship.”

    Tickets and the schedule are available via Eventbrite.

    Laura and Rhydian are both part of the Harper Adam University’s Urban Farming Research Group.

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