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Posted 4 December 2019
"Harper Adams would like to thank the Israeli Government for this opportunity to build links between our respective institutions and for the warmth of the reception we received in the country"
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Peter Mills has been part of a delegation of eight UK Universities (Aston, City, Essex, Harper Adams, Liverpool, Nottingham Trent, Oxford and Reading) invited by the Israeli Government to visit leading Israeli Universities and institutions. The visit provided an opportunity to explore topics of mutual interest between the British and Israeli institutions and to build partnerships encompassing teaching, student and staff exchange and research. Possible mechanisms of support were discussed with the British Ambassador in Israel and senior British Council staff.
There was much to learn by the UK delegation on the entrepreneurial approach adopted by all the institutions visited and the delegation were impressed by the world leading research that they were exposed to.
For Harper Adams there was particular interest in the visit to the Agricultural Research Organisation, Volcani Centre where we learned of the cutting edge research in crop and food sciences and agricultural engineering which will hopefully lead to lasting collaboration.
Harper Adams would like to thank the Israeli Government for this opportunity to build links between our respective institutions and for the warmth of the reception we received in the country.
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