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    Undergraduate food courses accredited by the Institute of Food Science and Technology

    Posted 6 April 2020

    We are delighted to have IFST accreditation for our undergraduate programmes as it is an endorsement that our programmes prepare graduates for the food industry. Applicants and students can be assured that we offer programmes that are of a nationally recognised standard and which prepare them for their future in the industry."

    IFST Approved Degree logo

    Harper Adams University undergraduate food courses have received accreditation by the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST).

    Having successfully qualified for IFST accreditation, the BSc (Hons) Food Technology and Product Development and the BSc (Hons) Food Technology with Nutrition degree courses have been recognised as a leading source of education in response to the needs of the food sector.

    Annette Creedon, Head of Food Science and Agri-Food Supply Chain Management, commented: "We are delighted to have IFST accreditation for our undergraduate programmes as it is an endorsement that our programmes prepare graduates for the food industry.

    “Applicants and students can be assured that we offer programmes that are of a nationally recognised standard and which prepare them for their future in the industry."

    The future of the food industry is of key importance to develop more sustainable and exciting food sources between field and fork, especially due to the shifting expectations and requirements of the consumer. Harper Adams food courses are key to facing this changing industry.

    Harper Adams boasts a high graduate employment rate across the whole university and this is especially true in the food department. In the most recent Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE), a 100 per cent of food graduates were in work or further education within six months of graduating; the metrics used by the survey. In addition, of those, 92 per cent moved directly into “graduate” level roles, with average food graduate starting salaries at an average of £22,000+ over the last three years.

    Careers Service Manager Maria Simpson said: “The number of jobs in the food and drink sector has risen. It now employs one in seven people in the UK.

    “Our graduates have been able to seize the opportunities presented by this sector boom thanks to their studies and experience gained during sandwich placements making them highly employable as they complete their degrees. Providing talent for the food chain, from field to fork, is core to the university’s mission and the latest graduate employment figures prove that we are achieving against this standard.”

    The food courses boast both theoretical and practical learning, seeing students go from classrooms to the Regional Food Academy. Here they make use of food processing facilities, a sensory evaluation room, and specialist equipment alongside teaching rooms and a lecture theatre. Along with our excellent facilities, our staff are leading experts, providing students with studies that have 100 per cent student satisfaction.

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