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Posted 11 March 2021
"We are thrilled to have achieved such a high ranking on this global measure of performance for the fourth year in a row. It underlines the strong and positive connections we have with graduate employers and the quality of the education that we provide for our amazing graduates."
Global employers have once again ranked Harper Adams University as the top UK university - and second in the world - for Agriculture and Forestry.
The calibre of Harper graduates means that the university has maintained its standing in the 2021 QS World University Subject Rankings in the metric for employer reputation for a fourth year in succession – continuing its outstanding performance amongst global employers as a leading institution in its field.
The rankings, compiled by higher education analysts QS Quacquarelli Symonds, examine the performance of more than 13,000 university programmes across the globe. Institutions are examined across 51 different academic disciplines – with comparative performance data being provided across a range of metrics.
The survey also ranks institutions on the responses of tens of thousands of graduate employers worldwide.
The employer reputation indicator – where Harper Adams University has retained its leading UK and strong global scores once more – draws on these survey responses.
For this year’s survey, 50,000 employers in companies across the world were asked to identify institutions they considered ‘excellent’ for the recruitment of graduates – and the disciplines from which they prefer to recruit.
With each employer choosing up to ten domestic and 30 international institutions, their selections were used by analysts to infer an institution’s measure of excellence in a given discipline.
Harper Adams University Vice-Chancellor, Dr David Llewellyn, said: “We are thrilled to have achieved such a high ranking on this global measure of performance for the fourth year in a row. It underlines the strong and positive connections we have with graduate employers and the quality of the education that we provide for our amazing graduates.
“To have been highly placed in the employer reputation measure worldwide is a reflection of the hard work of our staff and students who deserve huge congratulations for this tremendous achievement.”
The full subject table for Agriculture and Forestry in this year’s QS World University Subject Rankings can be found here.
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