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Posted 7 March 2022
“We’re delighted to be working with Farmers Weekly again to join forces and drive the importance of the agri-food agenda through The Future of Food & Farming exhibit at New Scientist Live in Manchester. It promises to be a great event inspiring young minds to be curious about the future role of food and agriculture.”
The diversity of modern agriculture – and the careers it can lead to – are to be put under the spotlight by Harper Adams University at New Scientist Live this week.
The University will be partnering with Farmers Weekly to demonstrate the Future of Food and Agriculture at the event – which is being held this year in Manchester from 12-14 March.
New Scientist Live is the world’s biggest science and technology fair, and the event will run as both an in-person show at Manchester Central – and also online.
The idea behind the Future of Food and Agriculture exhibit is that a range of organisations will work to challenge misconceptions about farming – showing that perceptions of the industry as low-tech, low-skill and slow-moving couldn’t be wider of the mark.
Each exhibitor aims to give visitors hands-on experience of some of the exciting developments helping to shape the future of farming – and the fun and interactive experiences offered by Harper Adams are sure to catch visitors’ attention.
Shows and Events Marketing Officer, Sarah Swinnerton, said: “The range of courses we offer as a university is diverse – so some of the things you’ll get to experience with us, from autonomy to entomology, won’t be what you might expect.
“You’ll get to go up close and personal with some of the beneficial bugs we work with and hear about the roles they play in bringing us our food – with microscope projections showing you killer wasps and mummifying aphids, and a live hive of bees too.
“You can explore how engineering is helping to change the way we work on our farms – from getting a rare chance to see one of the largest drones in the UK and hearing about how drones are changing farming, to watching a laser weeding demo – and having a go yourself!”
Harper Adams will be among the exhibitors on Farmers Weekly’s Stand 321 – giving visitors a chance to discover more about how agriculture is changing, how Harper Adams is leading that change, and how you can get involved.
Saffron Grover, Director of Marketing, Communications and Recruitment at Harper Adams University, said: “It is now more vital than ever to engage and attract new talent to the food and agriculture sectors, to provide the skills needed to innovate, sustain and deliver for the future, and to feed the nation.
“We recognise and understand that the future sustainable production of our food is critical, which is why Harper Adams, with partners Morrisons, McDonalds and NFU, has launched the School of Sustainable Food and Farming.
“We’re delighted to be working with Farmers Weekly again to join forces and drive the importance of the agri-food agenda through The Future of Food & Farming exhibit at New Scientist Live in Manchester. It promises to be a great event inspiring young minds to be curious about the future role of food and agriculture.”
To find out more about Harper Adams, click here – and to find out more about New Scientist Live, and to book a ticket for this weekend’s events, click here.
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