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Posted 15 July 2022
Overview of Respect Action Plan for 2021/22 - July 2022
Area of Activity/Theme | Actions | Updates |
Governance and Leadership |
| The EDI Group has revised the Single Equality Scheme (setting out our strategy) and a standard incident report is under development. The annual EDI report has been shared with the Board and Executive Committee. Student discipline reports are received by the Vice Chancellor’s Group. |
Student Induction and Training |
| Induction/reinduction sessions now routinely include Respect e.g. the 4 mandatory sessions for new starters in 2022/23 each have a Respect theme. We are changing our subscription for the Student Assistance Programme to increase the range of services and resources. The role of the Warden is being revisited and re-framed to position as a key role model and support officer for student University life and wellbeing. |
Staff training |
| Some specialist training (on student casework and Prevent and sexual misconduct) has been completed and more is planned (on staff casework). Respect is embedded into our Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Strategy (approved November 2021) and our Harper Forward (curriculum) framework (approved in March 2022) Respect-related Skillgate courses have been promoted and training/awareness-raising work has taken place through university committee meetings, an annual Respect Day (inaugural day held on 30th March 2022) and an all-staff meeting. A mandatory staff course on Respect and bystander intervention techniques has been designed and will be run from September 2022 onwards. |
Supporting and managing students |
| Investment has been made in new permanent staff appointment to support conduct and community work. The members of staff have been in post throughout the academic year 2021/22. Some changes to the number and remit of Wardens were made in 2021/22 and further changes (see above) are planned for 2022/23. The review of our halls of residence will be considered as part of a wider piece of work associated with estates master planning. |
Reporting, monitoring and targeting interventions. |
| We have procured a sector-leading student case management system and implementation work has commenced; this work involves business process review/redesign, staff training as well as IT changes. An anonymous reporting system is in place, further web development work is in progress to make this more visible and accessible on our website. Examples from the military sought but no best practice identified. Staff feedback has been sought via an all-staff meeting and a pulse survey is scheduled at the end of the 2021/22 academic year (ending 31st July) An external review of our Respect work (approved in March 2022) is in progress. Targeted interventions have taken place with local pubs and stakeholders and further interventions are being developed for SU clubs and societies. |
Living our values: promotion, celebration and role-modelling |
| All policies and strategies in place and implementation arrangements are all operating. A programme of events and engagement activity has taken place during 2021/22, including a whole University Respect Day, International Womens’ Day celebrations and multiple engagements with Alumni, the local council and on social media platforms with regard to Respect. Further activities will be planned for 2022/23.
Evaluation & future planning |
| Student feedback/experiences have been sought via a World-café event (with the SU) in March 2022, the latest SU Student Voice survey. Data from these is currently being triangulated with qualitative comments via the NSS and our internal student survey conducted each summer. Data sets from the new reporting systems, along with information arising from the external review of Respect, staff and student surveys and feedback from workshops, staff meetings and training will be reviewed and incorporated into the annual review process for Respect. |
The Respect Action Plan for 2022/23 will be updated and developed further to the external review of Respect which has been commissioned and is underway. Updated plans will be signed off and monitored through the University’s normal governance processes. Agreed actions will include ongoing programmes of work that necessarily have a timescale longer than a single academic year.
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