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    Learners and business leaders discover more about University's work in Telford

    Posted 4 February

    “Harper Adams University is driving forward innovation in Shropshire and beyond – and we remain committed to ensuring our region succeeds."

    A group of business leaders at the Harper Adams University Telford business breakfast

    A diverse range of learners and business leaders from across the West Midlands have been welcomed to discover more about what Harper Adams University Telford offers.

    The University’s new base at the Quad, in Telford’s Station Quarter, is already offering short courses to the region’s businesses – and from September, will offer degrees in roboticsdigital business management and data science

    Its potential is already being recognised by both businesses and schools in the region, and two back-to-back events were held at the site recently – its inaugural Business Breakfast for Better Business and the second of a series of Discovery Days, which allow young people the chance to find out more about studying at the site.

    The breakfast session was opened by Director of Business Development and Knowledge Exchange, Alastair Dawes, who explained more about how businesses can work with Harper Adams and draw on the University’s innovation and research to boost the region’s economy.

    He said: “It was great to see so many of our fantastic local businesses in attendance, learning about System Integration from Telford-based digital supply chain consultants Bluehub and how they can create a strategic vision around the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals from Mark Williams and Tia Kooner of Sustainable Development Goals Ltd.

    “Harper Adams University is driving forward innovation in Shropshire and beyond – and we remain committed to ensuring our region succeeds.

    “We look forward to continuing to help businesses solve challenges and unlock growth in a range of business, digital and technical disciplines.”

    Any businesses who are interested in finding out more about working with Harper Adams and how the University can help drive their work forward can contact Alastair and his team on

    Following the breakfast event, school pupils from both Shropshire and Staffordshire were welcomed to Harper Adams University, Telford for a Discovery Day.

    Head of Student Recruitment Carl Mansell-Griffiths said: “More than fifty students joined us for the day in our new state-of-the-art facilities to explore courses and careers in digital futures.

    “They got the chance to take part in three hands-on activities, solving problems and delving deeper into the worlds of Digital Business, Robotics Engineering, and AI and Data Science.

    “Students and teachers all got a chance to get a feel for the skills and knowledge that would be needed to prepare for these future career pathways - and see how Harper Adams University is tackling the unique problems presented by the developments in these areas.”

    With both the breakfast and Discovery Day proving a huge success for attendees, Harper Adams University Telford will be holding both business and schools events again on Thursday, March 6.

    Business leaders looking to book a slot at the Breakfast for Better Business can visit:

    Schools wishing to book a slot at Schools Discovery Day: Your Future in AI can visit:

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