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    Posted 19 October 2001

    IN THE MODERN, professional world of rugby, it is refreshing to know that deep in the heart of rural Shropshire, a University College is still pursuing traditional rugby at its very best.

    Harper Adams University College, Shropshire, has a student population of more than 1,750, with 500+ of those students away on sandwich placement at any one time, and yet it has proven quite capable of playing and defeating Universities more than ten times its own size.

    For the last two seasons the plucky Harper lads have held a mid-table position in the Northern B.U.S.A. Premier League and a couple of seasons ago reached the Semi Finals of the European Cup.

    All this has been achieved without the aid and support of specialist sports studies facilities and coaching, without lavish expenses or even the active support and development of a premier Club. At Harper they simply pick the best lads on the day and get on with the game.

    So, how is Harper Adams able to produce such good teams and get such good results?

    Well, in the first place they have a great rugby playing tradition that they can build upon and Harper Adams is also the top choice for the nation's agricultural and land-based students.

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