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Posted 18 December 2001
A WIDE RANGE of financial support is now on offer to students choosing to study at Harper Adams University College. The Shropshire-based institution has put its money where its mouth is and developed two new schemes that will give the next generation of employees, in the land and food-based industries, some much needed support to fund their studies.
A new range of Bursaries assist students whose financial circumstances are such that they may be reluctant or even unable to enter Higher Education without financial assistance.
Bursaries of up to £1000 each are available to successful applicants and there is an additional Hardship Fund to help students continue after the first year. Harper Adams plans to assist students, from the Hardship Fund alone, to the tune of £60,000.
While bursaries are awarded on a means-tested basis only, anybody may apply for one of the University College's new Entrance Awards - the second of the new funding schemes. Entrance Awards are available in the form of scholarships and the donor sets the conditions of each award.
The largest category of Entrance Award is the Open Scholarship, for which any student attending any course can apply. Candidates for the Open Scholarship simply have to complete a CV and outline their plans to contribute to University College life.
This contribution may include the ability to play a sport or participate in one of Harper Adams many clubs and societies. Scholarships of up to £1,000 each will be awarded on this basis.
The driving force behind the scheme has been Richard Jopling, Head of External Relations at Harper Adams. He said: "The reason we are making these awards is that we realise that the cost of studying is mounting and we really want to help.
"We support a great and dynamic industry and it is an expression of our belief in the future and our faith in our young people as the new generation of movers and shakers, that we make this sound investment."
Details of both Bursaries and Entrance Awards are spelt out in two separate leaflets, published this week. If you would like a copy of either leaflet or wish to discuss one of the awards with someone, please contact Richard Jopling, Head of External Relations, on 01 952 815 371 or E-mail rjopling@harper-adams.ac.uk
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