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Posted 2 May 2002
STUDENTS INTERESTED in Higher Education in mainland England should make sure they attend the Balmoral Show later this month.
Harper Adams University College, in Shropshire, is the UK's premier provider of Higher Education for the land and food based industries and has taken a stand at the Balmoral Show to tell students about the range of opportunities available, which include a £500 scholarship.
This Harper Adams in Ireland Scholarship will be open to every Northern Ireland student that applies to one of Harper Adams' suite of Degree, HND or Foundation Degree courses. Applicants are judged on the basis of academic merit, work experience and their ability to make a distinctive contribution to University College life, with one lucky winner receiving the prestigious award.
Marketing Manager Roger Davies and a team of Harper Adams' current Northern Ireland students will be manning the Harper Adams stand throughout the Balmoral show and will be happy to discuss the scholarship and the range of courses available with visitors.
As Harper Adams goes from strength to strength, the course portfolio continues to increase and now includes subjects as diverse as Agriculture, Agri-food, Animal Health, Bioscience, Business & Marketing, Engineering & Design, Land, Countryside & Environment, and Leisure & Landscape.
Mr Davies will also be telling students about the National Sixth Form Conference in July. This is a unique opportunity to spend two days at Harper Adams finding out more about university life and the range of land-based courses available at institutions across the UK. This year, Harper Adams will again put on a free coach to the event, including return ferry crossing, for students from Northern Ireland.
For further information about the National Sixth Form Conference, the Harper Adams in Ireland Scholarship or about Harper Adams in general, visit Roger Davies on the Harper Adams stand, number F1, at the Balmoral Show from May 15 - 17.
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