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    Posted 11 June 2002

    A KEEN, DUNFERMLINE based Young Farmer, with ambitions of becoming a Chartered Surveyor, has won a prestigious Entrance Award to study at Harper Adams University College, in Shropshire.

    Katie Duffy, of Culross, Dunfermline, in Fife, will receive the £500 award in September when she starts a BSc (Hons) Rural Enterprise and Land Management (REALM) degree course at Harper Adams. Currently a student of the Queen Anne High School, Dunfermline, Miss Duffy has a long held ambition to follow a career within the rural economy.

    This interest has grown from a life spent living on a farm and from a work placement with Butler Land Management, during which Miss Duffy shadowed a Rural Practice Chartered Surveyor, learning about farm diversification and the valuation of rural properties.

    Outside of both school and work, Miss Duffy is a keen member of her local Young Farmers Club and served as a committee member of the club last year. She is also a horse rider and a member of the Pony Club and says she is looking forward to university life.

    Richard Jopling, Head of Liaison at the University College, said: “The selection panel was very impressed with Katie's application, particularly taking into account her enthusiasm and the work experience she has personally organised and undertaken."

    Harper Adams University College is the UK’s largest, specialist centre of Higher Education for the land and food based industries. It currently has around 1800 students on undergraduate and postgraduate courses and has an international reputation for the quality of its courses, research and graduates.

    A number of Entrance Scholarships are awarded each year on the basis of a written application. If you would like further information about courses at Harper Adams, please ring 01 952 815 000 and ask for a prospectus.


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