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    Posted 27 September 2002

    STUDENTS from across Wales are celebrating this week, after graduating from Harper Adams University College, in Shropshire.

    At the University College's Graduation Ceremony on Friday, September 20, 2002, a total of 60 Welsh students were amongst the 491 graduates who successfully qualified.

    Friends and family, staff and well wishers looked on as they collected their degrees and diplomas from the Guest of Honour, Mr Digby Jones, Director-General of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

    The mood of the day was very much one of optimism for the Graduates' future and Professor Wynne Jones, Principal of Harper Adams University College, highlighted this in his address.

    He said: "May I emphasis the importance for you graduating today that opportunities open up very often when a sector is not at its best. Do be alert to those opportunities and let us hope that all those already in those industries give you the opportunity of being heard and developing and bringing forward your own solutions to take us forward.

    "We need fresh blood, creative and innovative ideas and energetic people with the drive to take us forward."


    Picture Caption: Time to celebrate - graduating students from Wales mark their success.

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